James Bowman

James works at Concordia Publishing House as the Data Integration Analyst. He enjoys spending time with his wife and his young son, and also serves as the chairperson for the Board of Mission at Village Lutheran Church in St. Louis, MO.

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New Feature: LetUsPray Subscription

By James Bowman on Jan 25, 2019 4:45:00 PM

Gone are the days of tracking down the desired Prayer of the Church, manually exporting a .LSBX file, and then importing it into Lutheran Service Builder thanks to the new LetUsPray subscription. All you have to do to take advantage of this time saving feature is change an account setting once and you're done; Lutheran Service Builder takes care of the rest!

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Lutheran Service Builder

At Concordia Publishing House, we’re committed to helping churches easily plan and hold their worship services. Here, you’ll find information on innovative new features, the latest updates, and upcoming training opportunities for Lutheran Service Builder.